In the first semester of my senior year of college I took a game development class where I learned Unreal Engine 5 and devloped a Playstation 1 style horror game.

Video of a playthrough of my game Fawn

Initial Character Design
Initial Character Design
Thumbnail Concept Piece
Thumbnail Concept Piece
System I used to call text prompts to the screen
System I used to call text prompts to the screen
System used for movement and the on start function
System used for movement and the on start function
System used in the door blueprint for a lock and key system
System used in the door blueprint for a lock and key system
Above are picutered my coding work for this project. I prioritized a working project over art assets for this project so most of the work on this project involved blocked in assets, arranging cameras, and making the lock and key and the text box systems.
Character Model with Rig
Character Model with Rig
Frozen Deer Model
Frozen Deer Model
Screenshots from the Blender files I created at low poly count to recreate the aestethic of classic games
Blue Flower
Blue Flower
Yellow Orange Flower
Yellow Orange Flower
Deer Painting without Flower
Deer Painting without Flower
Deer Painting with Flower
Deer Painting with Flower
Title Screen Illustration
Title Screen Illustration
Elaborate Key
Elaborate Key
A series of painted icons and UI to play up the atmosphere of the game
Hallway Texture
Hallway Texture
Fancy Room Texture
Fancy Room Texture
Mossy Rock Texture
Mossy Rock Texture
Rock Texture
Rock Texture
I hand painted backgrounds at low pixel counts to emulate the low poly style.
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